What do we offer?

We Love What We Do

Monognomo has a department specialized in setting up art expositions, working at both national and international level.

We have developed more than 80 expositions. Monognomo usually works with different institutional museums from Gijón (Spain), such as Centro de Cultura Antiguo Instituto, Museo Casa Natal de Jovellanos, Escuela de Comercio, Parque Arqueológico Natural de la Campa Torres and Termas Romanas de Campo Valdés.

Likewise, we have built up traveling expositions in fairs and events around the whole country.

We offer professional service

  • Expositions design
  • Graphic production
  • 3D designs and infographics
  • Installation and uninstallation
  • Illumination
  • Piece handling
  • Virtual visits
Authentic Tradition

Expositions design

The exposition design is a complex method which requires specialized techniques to make people see, understand and communicate art through the space disposition. One of the most important aspects of this procedure is the constant evolution and the fact that it belongs from a cultural and commercial context which is constantly changing. Thanks to our graduates experts in History of Art and Tourism, we can offer a complete knowledge about the arts and trends of societies around the globe and ages and their cultures.

Graphic production

Monognomo has graphic art professionals who work in different projects, making all kinds of visual elements as cartouches, texts, posters, vinyls… Everything is adapted to the needs and tastes of the customer.

Installation and uninstallation

We provide our services of installation and uninstallation of all kinds of art, such as painting, sculpture, photography and audiovisual art. From the transport to the installation of all the elements the exposition needs.

Piece handling

All our services are guaranteed and coordinated by experts in History of Art. They know the special care needed and the security process of each kind of work, taking care of the measures for the correct preservation of the artworks.

3D Designs
and Infographics

We make renders recreating expositive spaces with specific measures and exact objects. We give you a realistic view of a final result. You could even move through the different rooms, taking diverse points of view.


The illumination is an essential component in an expositive room. It allows to experiment new perceptions of the pieces creating a proper atmosphere. Following the light patterns of each artwork, we guarantee security and preservation together with providing an unforgettable experience.

Virtual visits

We offer tours and virtual tours, making it possible to discover spaces interacting with the mouse, visiting different places in a certain environment. An accessible space from any computer or mobile. Providing sensations similar to the real visit of the place.

© 2020 Monognomo. Todos los derechos reservados. Producción, plátanos y cachivaches.